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"is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuhta Nishio. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Hibana seinen manga magazine from March 2015 to August 2017, when the manga ceased its publication, and the series finished in its third and last compiled tankōbon volume released in January 2018. The manga has been licensed in North America by Viz Media Publication After Hours is written and illustrated by Yuhta Nishio. The manga was serialized Shogakukan's Hibana seinen manga magazine from March 6, 2015, to August 7, 2017, when the magazine ceased its publication. The series finished in its third and last compiled tankōbon volume. The three volumes were released from October 7, 2015 to January 12, 2018. In North America, Viz Media announced the English language release of the manga in October 2016. The three volumes were released from June 13, 2017 to December 11, 2018. = Volume list = References Further reading * * External links * Category:LGBT in anime and manga Category:Seinen manga Category:Shogakukan manga Category:Viz Media manga Category:Yuri (genre) anime and manga "
"William Benjamin Felder (December 9, 1926 - October 2, 2009) was an American Negro league shortstop who played for the 1946 Negro World Series champion Newark Eagles. A native of Tampa, Florida, Felder was a strong-fielding but light-hitting infielder. He broke into the Negro leagues in 1946 for Newark, and took the field on opening day for Baseball Hall of Famer Leon Day's no- hitter against the Philadelphia Stars. Felder split shortstop duties that season with Hall of Famer Monte Irvin, and saw action in the club's Negro World Series victory over the Kansas City Monarchs. Felder went on to play in the minor leagues for the Key West Conchs in 1952, the Pampa Oilers in 1953, and split time with Pampa and the Artesia NuMexers in 1954. He died in Tampa in 2009 at age 82. References External links * and Seamheads * William Felder at Negro Leagues Baseball Museum * Benny Felder at Baseball-Reference Bullpen Category:1926 births Category:2009 deaths Category:Indianapolis Clowns players Category:Newark Eagles players Category:Philadelphia Stars players "